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employment discrimination attorney


Being discriminated against in the workplace is unpleasant and also unlawful. If you are treated less favourably than someone else because of a certain characteristic or you are harassed or victimised, you could be entitled to bring a claim against your employer.

Clear, practical advice and guidance

At Goodwyn Herrera, we specialise in representing employees in respect of workplace discrimination. We genuinely care about each of our clients and always go the extra mile to achieve the best possible outcome.

We are exceptionally thorough with our casework, fact-finding and attention to detail which is reflected in our excellent track record of success. Our clients frequently tell us that they feel empowered after speaking to us and we work proactively to resolve difficulties without delay.

We often settle matters without the need for a hearing and we will negotiate strongly to achieve a good settlement on your behalf. If your case does proceed to an employment tribunal, we will ensure that you are robustly represented.

What is workplace discrimination?

Under the Equality Act 2010, discrimination occurs if you are treated unfairly on the grounds of a protected characteristic. There are nine protected characteristics, as follows:

  • Disability
  • Gender
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race and ethnicity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Age
  • Religious or philosophical beliefs
  • Marriage or civil partnership
  • Gender reassignment

Discrimination can be direct, such as not offering you a promotion because you are pregnant, or indirect, for instance, only promoting full-time workers when most part-time workers are women.

Discrimination can occur in a job advert if it excludes people with protected characteristics for no good reason.

Victimisation and harassment also constitute discrimination. Victimisation can arise if you stand up for someone else who is being discriminated against or because you have made a complaint yourself.

There are many examples of unlawful harassment, such as insults, ridiculing, offensive language, non-communication, exclusion or online bullying. This type of behaviour can be extremely upsetting and take a harsh mental toll on you. It is important to deal with it without delay.

What to do if you are discriminated against at work

Initially you should raise a grievance with your line manager and see if the matter can be resolved. If not, you should seek legal assistance in taking the matter further. Once you have an expert employment solicitor representing you, your employer will be more likely to deal with the matter effectively. We will discuss your options with you and negotiate with your employer to obtain the best outcome for you. This may be compensation and it might also be a severance package.


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